b'APPENDIX APPENDIXGeneral Disclosures General DisclosuresGRI # GRI Standard Title Disclosure Title Response/Location GRI # GRI Standard Title Disclosure Title Response/LocationProcess for determiningAtmos Energy 2020 Proxy Statement: Throughout the year we engage with stakeholder groups in a 102-36 General disclosures remunerationExecutive Compensation Program Objectives variety of ways to gather feedback related to Atmos Energys and Strategy operations, policies, procedures, and industry-specific issues. This engagement allows us to proactively address Stakeholders involvement intopics and potential concerns raised by different stakeholder 102-37 General disclosures remuneration Atmos Energy 2020 Proxy Statement Key topics and concerns raisedgroups. Key topics include:102-44 General disclosures (stakeholder engagement)The role of natural gas in the domestic energy portfolio of the future102-38 General disclosures Annual total compensationAtmos Energy 2020 Proxy StatementMethane emissions and environmental impactratioEstablishing goals and targets and setting a timeline for each actionPercentage increase in annual Renewable natural gas102-39 General disclosures total compensation ratio Atmos Energy 2020 Proxy StatementCustomer advocacy Government and Regulatory Entities Entities included in theAtmos Energy 2020 10-K Governors Office, State Public Utility Commissions, and102-45 General disclosures consolidated financial Part I Item 1. BusinessCity Councils statements Customers and Communities Customer advocacy groups, economic developmentDefining report content andWe are following the Global Report Indicator (GRI) groups, NGOs, local news, engineering/consulting102-46 General disclosures topic boundaries (materiality) Standards Core reporting methodology as the basis102-40 General disclosures List of stakeholder groups firms, commercial and industrial customers of our disclosures. Peer Utilities and Associations Employees 102-48 General disclosures Restatements of information No restatement of information Investors Suppliers Midstream gas, RNG suppliers, contractors, materials102-49 General disclosures Changes in reporting No changes in reportingsuppliers, technology suppliersCollective bargainingAtmos Energy does not have collective bargaining102-50 General disclosures Reporting period Fiscal Year 2020 (October 1, 2019September 30, 2020)102-41 General disclosures agreements agreements in place.102-51 General disclosures Date of most recent report The Atmos Energys Corporate Responsibility and Stakeholders are identified through their direct engagementSustainability Report, published in November 2020with Atmos Energy (Employees, Customers, Investors, 102-42 General disclosures Identifying and selectingSuppliers, Regulators) and through the identification ofIt is Atmos Energys intent to publish a Corporate stakeholders stakeholders that have a unique and/or a vested interest102-52 General disclosures Reporting cycle Responsibility and Sustainability Report annuallyin our organization (community partners, environmental agencies, customer advocacy groups, industry associations).102-53 General disclosures Contact point for questionsinvestorrelations@atmosenergy.comAtmos Energy engages with our stakeholders throughregarding the reportmultiple channels. The engagement is tailored to address the stakeholder audience and the information beingClaims of reporting in communicated. For direct communications with stakeholders102-54 General disclosures accordance with the GRIThis report references the 2016 GRI Reporting Standardswe engage using email, phone calls, and in-person orStandardsvirtual meetings. For indirect engagement we utilize our 102-43 General disclosures Approach to stakeholderwebsite, social media platforms, surveys, printed mailings,102-55 General disclosures GRI content index This indexengagement and marketing campaigns. In addition to these methods we engage with investors through quarterly and annual earnings calls, through 1 x 1 meetings in conferences, virtual meetings, or upon request. We also engage with employees through satisfaction surveys and our annual review process. None of this engagement was undertaken in connection with the preparation of this report.ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION'