b'APPENDIX APPENDIXEconomic Performance Economic PerformanceGRI # GRI Standard Title Disclosure Title Response/Location GRI # GRI Standard Title Disclosure Title Response/Location201-1 Economic performance Direct economic valueAtmos Energy 2020 10-K Atmos Energy partners with a variety of groups to ensure the generated and distributedPart II safe delivery of natural gas. We are committed to enterprise decision making and a proactive approach in identifying Atmos Energy 2020 10-K opportunities through our suppliers, employees, and Financial implications and Part I Item 1A. Risk Factors customers. We encourage our suppliers to build relationships 201-2 Economic performance other risks and opportunities Part II Item 7. Managements Discussion and Analysis of204-1 Economic performance Proportion of spending onwith Atmos Energy employees, as the better they understand due to climate change Financial Condition and Results of Operations local suppliers our needs the better product support they can provide. We also support local hiring initiatives to ensure local suppliers and contractors have the opportunity to work with us. At least Defined benefit planAtmos Energy 2020 10-K 28% of our budget has been spent with small and diverse 201-3 Economic performance obligations and other Part II Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data businesses each of the last three years, and 99% of our retirement plans vendors are headquartered in the United States.201-4 Economic performance Financial assistanceAtmos Energy received no government assistance in Fiscal Atmos Energy Corporate Governance Documents:received from government Year 2020. Operations assessed for risks Corporate Governance Guidelines205-1 Economic performance related to corruptionDirector IndependenceProportion of senior Code of Conduct202-2 Economic performance management hired from the100% of senior management is hired from the local community.Political Activities Policylocal communityCommunication and training Atmos Energy Code of ConductThe infrastructure investments made by Atmos Energy support205-2 Economic performance about anti- corruption 100% of Atmos Energy active employees completed our local economies and stakeholders. Through infrastructurepolicies and procedures annual Code of Conduct training.investments we promote local economies by providing jobs in Atmos Energy political activities policy203-1 Economic performance Infrastructure investmentsthe communities where we operate and as customers to local and services supported business and suppliers. These investments allow us to provideConfirmed incidents ofAtmos Energy has had no confirmed incidents of corruption or a clean and reliable fuel source to our customers and operate205-3 Economic performance corruption and actions taken actions taken.safely which is to the benefit of all stakeholders.Legal actions for anti-Atmos Energy 2020 10-K Atmos Energy 2020 Corporate Responsibility and 206-1 Economic performance competitive behavior, anti-Part I Item 3. Legal ProceedingsSustainability Report: trust and monopoly practices CommunitiesSignificant indirect Environment203-2 Economic performance economic impacts Atmos Energy Website Fueling Safe and Thriving Communities Corporate Responsibility Communities EnvironmentATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION'