b'APPENDIX APPENDIXSocial Indicators Social IndicatorsGRI # GRI Standard Title Disclosure Title Response/Location GRI # GRI Standard Title Disclosure Title Response/LocationWe provide our employees with the training, tools, andAtmos Energys Political Activities Policy provides guidelines opportunities to grow and develop, which is vital to our long- on company lobbying and political spending activities as Programs for upgradingterm sustainability. Additionally, we want our employees towell as engagement by our employees in the overall political 404-2 Training and education employee skills and transitiontake their education as far as they desire. We provide support415-1 Public policy Political contributions process.assistance programs through the Robert W. Best Education Assistance program,Atmos Energy Corporate Governance Documents:which provides support for employees to work toward Political Activities Policyadvanced technical training or a college degree.Percentage of employeesRequirements for product andAtmos Energy complies with all state and federal requirements 404-3 Training and education receiving regular performanceSubstantially all of Atmos Energys full-time employees receive417-1 Marketing and labeling service information and labeling related to identification and labeling as it applies to our and career development reviews annual performance and career development reviews. natural gas distribution and transmission business. Atmos Energy 2020 Proxy Statement Incidents of non-complianceAtmos Energy has not had any non-compliance concerningAtmos Energy 2020 Corporate Responsibility and417-2 Marketing and labeling concerning product and serviceproduct and service information and labeling.Sustainability Report: information and labeling405-1 Diversity and equalDiversity of governance bodies Employeesopportunity and employeesCorporate Governance Incidents of non-complianceAtmos Energy has not had any non-compliance concerningAtmos Energy Corporate Responsibility Website: 417-3 Marketing and labeling concerning marketingmarketing communications. Employees communications Corporate GovernanceSubstantiated complaintsAtmos Energy has received no substantiated complaints Freedom of associationOperations and suppliers in which418-1 Customer privacy concerning breaches ofconcerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of 407-1 and collectivethe right to freedom of associationThere is no significant risk. customer privacy and losses ofcustomer data.bargaining and collective bargaining maycustomer databe at riskSocioeconomicNon-compliance with laws andAtmos Energy has had no material fines for non-compliance 411-1 Rights of indigenousIncidents of violations involvingAtmos Energy has had no known incidents of violations419-1 compliance regulations in the social andwith laws and regulations.peoples rights of indigenous peoples involving rights of indigenous peoples. economic areaHuman rightsEmployee training on humanAtmos Energy Code of Conduct412-2 assessment rights policies or procedures 100% of Atmos Energy active employees completed our annual Code of Conduct training. Atmos Energy 2020 Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Report: CommunitiesOperations with local community Environment413-1 Local communities engagement, impact assessments, Atmos Energy Websiteand development programsFueling Safe and Thriving Communities Corporate Responsibility Communities EnvironmentOperations with significant actualAtmos Energy Website413-2 Local communities and potential negative impacts on Pipeline Replacement Projectslocal communitiesCorporate Responsibility EnvironmentThis index is designed to provide information from the Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Standards. It identifies where we make certain disclosures and provides unaudited information related to the reporting standards.ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION'